Love Andante
Love Andante unfolds in the tranquil yet tense setting of the Korean DMZ, where two contrasting souls find themselves drawn together. Following the formal end of the Korean War, the two Koreas established the Pyeonghwa Village in Goseong, Gangwon Province. Im Ju-hyeong, a prodigious pianist seeking respite from his demanding career, retreats to this haven. There, he encounters Ha Na-kyeong, the pragmatic daughter of a high-ranking North Korean officer and a doctor of pharmacy. As they navigate their lives in this village founded on hope and peace, their shared experiences and unexpected bond blossom into a poignant love story, bridging the divide between two worlds.
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Lee Jae-Sang (Rain) is a lawyer at JK Law Firm, which is one of the biggest law firms in South Korea. He is an excellent lawyer, but he only cares about winning for his benefit. One day, he has a mysterious car accident and he is drawn into a parallel world. There, Lee Jae-Sang finds himself working as a prosecutor. He is strict in carrying out the law. He is married to Ra Shi-On (Lim Ji-Yeon), who loves Lee Jae-Sang and is faithful to him. In the world where Lee Jae-Sang came from, he broke up with Ra Shi-On ten years earlier and Ra Shi-On works as a detective. Lee Jae-Sang struggles to cope with his different selves.
Cellphone app Joalarm is created. If someone likes you and they are within 10 meters of you, the alarm for the app rings. The app also shows how many people like you, but the app doesn't reveal specific details on who likes you.
Kim Jo-Jo (Kim So-Hyun) is a high school student. She is pretty and smart. She seems like cheerful person, but her parents died when she was young. Since the death of her parents, Kim Jo-Jo has lived with aunt's family. Living there is not easy for Kim Jo-Jo. She doesn't download the app Joalarm.
Meanwhile, Hwang Sun-O is a popular male student at the same high school where Kim Jo-Jo attends. He is the son of a wealthy family, but he is not loved by his parents. His best friend Lee Hye-Young also attends the same high school. Hwang Sun-O notices that his best friend Lee Hye-Young likes Kim Jo-Jo. Hwang Sun-O wants to know if his friend really likes her, so he kisses her.
Eun Dong-Joo attempts to get back her stolen life. When she was 6 years-old, she was abandoned at an orphanage. She did not remember anything except her name. Despite her difficult environment, she has grown into a woman with a positive and bright personality.
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